The GOP backs party before country. Great numbers of them have proven that by repeatedly endorsing a candidate they said was unqualified, dangerous, a conman, and worse. I can only imagine that while the fascist wannabe dictator seems to think he can control Congress and rule by dictate, Repub leaders must expect they'll maintain control of Congress and rein in Trump. But how much "reining in" can be expected from a party that puts it's desire for power above the good of the country?
For most of the year, the Democrats have fought their own unity challenges, mostly due to supporters of an independent vying for the Dem candidacy. Now, thanks to (possibly Russian/Trump-backed) Wikileaks, that divisiveness is renewed just when unity is most needed. But it is a huge mistake to doom the country (for generations if one considers the Supreme Court situation) due to party machinations.
Politics has always been a mud-slinging business. Behind the scenes has always been plotting and nefarious schemes, the worst of which are rarely put into motion. Considering RNC leaders were against Trump, I'd like to see Wikileaks hack of their plotting against him. I suspect it would make Wasserman Shultz's emails look tame. But DWS isn't a candidate.
Party shouldn't be why one votes for/against a candidate — the policies of the candidates are the issue. One hopes the party backing the nominee will fully support their policies (platforms are an indication), but I also am still enough of a 60s idealist to hope that a candidate can, and should, choose country over party.
Trump is putting country before party, even though he clearly shows no comprehension of the social justice ideals upon which this country was founded. I expect Hillary Clinton to do the same — she has shown traces of that. Clinton recently revoked her support for TransPacific Partnership and convinced Tim Kaine to do likewise. And despite any "rigging" revealed by hacked emails, Bernie Sanders did get many of his progressive stances put on the party platform.
The upshot is that nothing in the DNC's hacked correspondence alters the choices. Berniebots may disrupt the Democratic Convention, but Clinton still won the votes and will be the nominee. DNC and RNC be damned, in November the decision rational folk will make is voting for a highly qualified politician with a record of fighting for minority and women's rights who has exhibited a strong willingness to listen and respond positively to citizens' wishes instead of for a narcissistic, bigoted, racist, misogynistic old white guy whose most ardent supporters cling to the flag of the Confederacy and/or willingly buy the garbage they read on StormFront and Alex Jones