With the deletion of civics classes (required in my 60s junior high) anyone under the age of around 50 apparently has no true concept of governmental system definitions. Here are brief definitions related to the of the topic at hand — the looming downfall of our democratic republic.
re·pub·lic: a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
de·moc·ra·cy: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
so·cial·ism: (def # 1) a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. (In Marxist theory — def # 2) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Def # 2 is usually used as # 1 by right-wingers looking to disparage Democrats or anyone they deem as having left-of-center views.
(Definitions from Oxford Languages.)
The day after the signing of the United States Constitution a lady asked Dr. Benjamin Franklin, "Well Doctor what we got a republic or a monarchy?" He answered, "A republic, if you can keep it."
While actually a republic, we usually refer to our governmental system as a democratic republic.
Democratic republic: While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. ... A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power. (U.S. Embassy in Argentina)
In May, 2021, freshman representative Marjorie Taylor Greene complained that Democrats “spent four years… calling Republicans Nazis.” She later added, “You know, Nazis were the National Socialist Party, just like the Democrats are now a national socialist party.”
Nazism: the body of political and economic doctrines held and put into effect by the Nazis in Germany from 1933 to 1945 including the totalitarian principle of government, predominance of especially Germanic groups assumed to be racially superior, and supremacy of the führer (Merriam-Webster)
Obviously, Greene was displaying her apparent ignorance of Democrats, democracy, Nazism, and civics in general. "Nazi national socialism," and the phony prophet to whom she claims fealty. According to the definition I found, she and her cult fit the definition of Nazism much better than her mischaracterization of Democrats—especially the part about superiority of race and their fuhrer.
While the delusional advocates of the extreme right continue to believe more in conspiracies than actual truths, many Americans just seem to have deficiencies in understanding differences in political systems. Though the left may have some preferences in common with Marxism (a stated favor of unions, for example) the vast majority are far from Marxist. The extreme right continues to equate "left" with "communist." Propaganda or ignorance?
Civics should be reinstated as a required class in educational institutions. I'm sure the right will cry "indoctrination" should this happen. After all, any attempt to fully educate on anything remotely political is so labeled by them. Democracy depends on a correctly educated citizenry o wannabe dictators and fascists push lies until they are believed.
Fascist- and dictatorial-leaning prospective leaders are gaining supporters throughout western nations. They claim populist trends as support for their rise. But populism is far from the goal. Power is all they seek. Power in this country is meant to be in the hands of the citizenry. Power in the hands of one or the few is something this country fought a war of independence from which to escape.
Too many Republicans apparently fail to understand this nowadays. Take Mitch McConnell vowing to block anything Democrats want despite all evidence pointing to the country's citizens, and even his own constituents' preferences, as an example. From voting, to abortion, to who should have their taxes raised, the Senate under McConnell's leadership has consistently been opposed to everything the majority of citizens prefer.
Democracy in this country is under strident attack. It confuses me how so many who claim to be patriots who love freedoms can be so vehemently pro-dictator. Donald Trump and his advocates continue to use the freedoms they have to spread lies and disinformation while rightist legislatures and governors who follow his narcissistic aims propose laws to inhibit, curtail, and limit those same freedoms.
True patriots want factual information from which they can make informed decisions. The "Cult of Trump" and their conspiracy-loving adherents want a populace as ill-informed as possible. Along with dis- and misinformation they also prefer suppression of voting among those deemed by them as opposed to their socially repressive agenda.
Democracy must prevail. The freedoms we all cherish are at risk otherwise. Civics education, factual information, and stronger spines among elected officials now in office are essential.